Personalization in CRM at a higher level: Communicate with contacts individually using merge tags

Martin Prorok
Apr 23rd, 2024

Today we will focus on an innovative function in the relatoo CRM+ system, which allows you to personalize communication with contacts based on their individual attributes. Using merge tags, you can insert dynamic information about a contact, such as their name, address, interests, and more, into the e-mail template. This makes communication with contacts more relevant and effective, which is increasing conversion rates and strengthening relationship building.


What are merge tags and how do they work?

In the context of newsletter templates, merge tags, in Czech “slučovací tagy”, are used to personalize the content of a message, e.g. newsletter for individual recipients. They act as placeholders, which are replaced with up-to-date information about the recipient when sending the newsletter.

Examples of merge tags:

{{firstName}} - will be replaced by the recipient's name

{{email}} - will be replaced by the recipient's e-mail address

{{companyName}} - will be replaced by the name of your company

{{reaching}} - will be replaced by correct address of the recipient


Benefits of using merge tags

Personalized content:
Merge tags allow you to address recipients by name and show them information that is appropriate for them. This significantly increases the likelihood that they will read the newsletter and respond to it.

Increased click-through rate:
Studies show that personalized e-mails achieve higher click-through and conversion rates.

Improved relationships:
Personalized communication builds trust and strengthens the relationship with the recipient.


Merge tags in relatoo CRM+

In the relatoo CRM+ system, merge tags can be used, for example, to create a personalized newsletter, where a specific recipient will be shown the correct address, name, surname, e-mail address, the amount of their points in the loyalty program or the content of their custom fields in the received message.

If you have questions about the use of merge tags for your organization, you can contact us in the usual way.