Updated overview of modifications in the relatoo CRM+ system as of 16.12.2024
We have added mergetags for addressing in other languages
You can now also segment by email delivery from a given event
We've added the ability to track price changes of items over time in the Price List
We have improved manager and match report
We added merge tag in templates and the ability to segment the database and condition actions according to the selected language for communication
We have optimized the display of all tables
We added the ability to insert merge tags in SMS and the ability to export a segment from the visitor database
We added a new option to segment by survey response
When manually importing visitors from XLS, you can map all basic fields of the database
We optimized the Invoicing Documents report
We have added the possibility of selling more advertising space at once - e.g. for selling season tickets
You can also insert a link to fill out a survey in the push notification
You can track whether a visitor has opened your mobile app
In segment editing you can see an overview of the Actions that the segment is assigned to
We optimized the sorting and filtering of ad space items by name, internal label and price list item
We have prepared a new Manager's Summary of results from the relatoo system, which will give you an overview of the past month:
- revenue development for tickets sold
- development of the number of visitors in the database and their growth
- revenue from the sale of season tickets and tickets
- overview of delivered e-mails, push notifications and SMS from your campaigns
- ratio of available and occupied advertising space
- execution of the business plan or business case reports.
You can receive the report automatically in your e-mail inbox on the first day of every month.
We added the possibility to send the Action to all visitors
We enabled deletion of specified business cases
We added a new launcher to reach visitors newly registered in OneiD and subscribed to the newsletter
We have added the ability to notify the invoicing department with notifications before sending a partial invoice to the Partner with tracking of completed items
When importing visitors from XLS, a new tag can be created and assigned to the records
The Date format can now be saved in the survey responses
You can set your own sender for a domain
In the Business module, you now have the option to designate multiple contact persons as Signatories in the Partner
We have added a new permission to delete tags
In the Visitors report we have added a column Partner
We have made some minor corrections in the business module and in the surveys
When importing visitors from XLS into the database, you can also add custom fields and tags
We have edited the text in the visualization of business cases on the site map
We have added filtering by duration to the list of business cases
We have sped up the loading of tickets, season tickets and memberships
For the overview of business offers we have added the option to customize the amount format for export to XLS
We have enabled the management of advertising spaces on LED screens
We have extended the options to automatically send an action X days before a specific event
Visitor database can be exported to XLS/CSV in the current view settings
It is now also possible to see a complete history of ticket, season ticket and membership statuses on the timeline
Complete price list can now be exported to XLS/CSV
It is now possible to bulk delete a visitor's already assigned tag
In actions, it is possible to insert a condition whether or not a visitor is in a specific segment
Actions can be stopped at any time during sending and testing
We have added a new event report, which includes attendance stats, pre-sale progress, information on forwarded season tickets, etc.
We have added the ability to segment by visitor's digital activity – web or mobile app visit
Within the Loyalty Program, we have added the possibility to add points to the account which released a ticket that was subsequently purchased
We have optimized filtering of business cases by date and the status of each component in the Action
We have expanded ticket information to include a ticket category, including color coding
We have improved the process of testing and sending actions
We have fixed errors in the business dashboard and ad space visualization
5.9.0 26.8.2024
We have added the ability to monitor the status of advertising areas in the Business module
We are showing the number of recipients in each node of the Action scenario
In segmentation we added the ability to track suspicious orders for a specific event
We have optimized the conditions for automatic segment recalculation
We have improved the period selection for the sent actions graph
We have sped up the segment recalculation
We have expanded the segmentation with new touchpoints related to membership and admissions
We have improved merge tag addressing for our foreign users
We have optimized the menu in the Business module
We have added new triggers for actions related to the loyalty program and membership purchases
We have simplified the view of the Business Case Filtering Report
We have added the ability to segment by loyalty program credits
In Business module we added filtering by registration origin
We have implemented a trigger for recurring membership payment
We have added a new touchpoint to visitor attributes and the ability to segment by Current version of the mobile app
We have added segmentation by credit amount
We have added descriptions of all filters by date from to
We have optimized page loading after editing content
We have added an explanation of Hard Bounce and Soft Bounce to the action statistics
We have optimized the listing of occupied advertising areas with a higher number of items
We have improved the survey evaluation reports
We have added the option of custom texts for GDPR consents
We have added new parameters to a fan properties Blocked and Hard Bounce
We have added a button to retrieve statistics of an action in Action dashboard
We have added the ability to duplicate a segment
We have added a new trigger to Actions Add credits for a specific activity
New touchpoint added to the loyalty system Attended the match using a forwarded ticket
Campaign personalization - data from custom fields can be used in the e-mail
Segmentation by name of purchased membership and by change in membership status
Optimizing the display of e-mail statistics graphs on mobile
Linking the Partner contact database and the fan database
AI implementation - evaluation of free responses and generation of the overall survey summary
Display contact information in the fan database
Breakdown of business case totals by currency used
Optimization of the module for sending bulk e-mails
Display the set date for timers on the Action dashboard
Membership section added to visitor card
Verification of SPF domain records including subdomain
Extension of visitor history to include new "visited site" and "launched app" types
Modification of the menu display on a mobile phone
Added the ability to block a visitor
Added expiration dates to business case cards
Improvements to the segment recount mechanism and visualisation
Optimizing the processing of large numbers of visitors during segmentation
Segmentation by new touchpoints click/no-click, season ticket purchase, didn't open e-mail
New export of survey responses
Optimizing the default segmentation settings
Improved segmentation by tags
Segmentation by new touchpoint ticket purchase and custom field
Modified Waiting list export
Extending fan history with touchpoints purchased ticket/season ticket
Visitor statistics extended with filter by e-mail activity
Extension of segmentation according to the purchased ticket and its tag
Marking an item after the expiry of a business contract
Option to set default outgoing address in action
Extension of segmentation to include the purchase of tickets for a specific event
Completion of language versions CZ, EN, DE
Optimization of reports in both modules
Automatic push notifications during a match
Modification of the list of implemented actions
Modification of the selection by partner for a business case and creating a tag
Segmentation by origin of registration
Displaying a tag next to a ticket
Segmentation by severe health disability card expiration date
DMARC record for sending domains
Update of API connection to the ARES system
English version of the newsletter subscription form
Visitor history report optimization
Optimization of visitor sorting in the Admission section
Adding new benchmarks to action statistics
Waiting node upgrade
New report Most loyal visitors
Modification of the maximum number of segmentation rules
Segmentation in relation to Watchdog and shopping cart activities
Modification of the segmentation by custom fields
AI implementation for segmentation
API connection added to custom fields
The date of signing is displayed in the list of business contracts
Added creating a ticket when forwarding a season ticket, added new parameters
Added URL field for push notifications
Extended notification e-mail settings
Modification of GDPR consent options
Optimization of the display of items in available and unavailable ad areas reports
New business case states after a win
Survey evaluation upgrade
Modification of business case filtering
Ability to filter a price list by subgroups
Optimization of the order of listing items in databases and display
Visitor segmentation by custom fields
Option to create custom fields for a visitor
Added expiration date to a season ticket preview
Setting the reply e-mail address
Modification of the conditions for signing a business contract
Adjustment of the overall view of the sports ground during visualisation
Optimization of business case sorting by attributes
Setting your own e-mail address for sending
Resolving duplicates in e-mail addresses in data imports
Adding fields Event name and Season to admission
Option to select specific GDPR consents when unsubscribing from the newsletter
Segmentation by survey responses
New report of TOP10 fans
Adding the sum of the values of business cases on the business dashboard
New report on available advertising areas
New business case report
Modification of the number of fans chart
Extending user permissions for the loyalty program